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Separating The Signal From The Noise

Separating the signal from the noise

Improving data richness and relevance at the early stages of an investigation 

The challenge: 

Our law firm client had been instructed by a client in the early stages of an investigation.  They had been presented with a full copy of one of the client’s servers, containing 10TB of data (representing 7 million files) and requested our assistance in prioritising where to concentrate their investigative resources. 

Our Solution: 

Rather than start the lengthy (and more costly to the client) task of processing the data immediately, we began by providing our client with a more in-depth, granular view of the content of the server, so that they could prioritise the data for processing.  Our data forensic experts extracted the meta data, file location and type using EnCase.  Using their advanced data analytics and modelling expertise, our experts built a Power BI dashboard which allowed the client to drill into the volume of data, separating the signal from the noise, and identifying where to focus.   

The PowerBI dashboard showing the breakdown of files by extension and file size

"Salient helped make a potentially indigestible problem, more palatable. The insights to the data that their innovative approach provided really helped us concentrate resources on the areas that mattered. Ultimately, we were able to progress the investigation faster and ended up with a very targeted amount of data to review."'

The outcome

Our approach allowed the client to start their initial review of the pertinent data within a few daysThis not only accelerated the investigation, it reduced the amount of data processed through the eDiscovery platform to around a tenth of the original volume, proving efficient both in terms of cost of data under review and the associated eyes-on time to review it.   

Analytics PowerBI Dashboard

Don’t miss out on using the latest AI-powered eDiscovery technology and Forensic Data Analytics techniques in your investigations. 

Join our upcoming webinar on 9th July at 12pm (UTC+1) to find out more.