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Pinpointing fraud

Pinpointing connections to unravel a complex fraud

The challenge: Shine a light on 10,000 inter-related entities held in multiple spreadsheets to help investigate fraudulent activities and establish connections/key players.

Using an innovative, visual model, developed specifically for a client, Salient’s expert datasmiths are helping to bring to light connections and inter-relationships between individuals involved in complex, global networks of corporate directorships, title deeds and contracts. 

From a confusing and overwhelming number of spreadsheets containing vast quantities of data, drawn from a number of sources, our team have helped pull all the information together, visually connecting the dots and allowing our client’s investigative team both a bird’s eye view over the whole complex network, as well as the precision focus to drill down onto one particular individual, company or entity at a time, and map their connections (two, three, four etc. times removed) with another chosen node.

This is game-changing for any investigator exploring large networks with more than 10,000+ inter-related entities.  Easy-to-use self-service navigation of the model allows our client to explore inter-relationships and dig deep into the data, exposing previously hidden connections, participants and unravelling deliberately circuitous pathways.

We’re eDiscovery experts.  This model is built in PowerBI.  We use the best tools for the job, building from scratch or harnessing the AI-expertise in Reveal to make light work of large volumes of structured or unstructured data.  If you have a challenge that you’d like to discuss with us or would like a demo of this latest model, please get in touch.